Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pregnancy update

So, I've been feeling a lot more and harder kicks and jabs everywhere. Sometimes, I think I can even feel baby boy do a whole body turn or lean on my organs with his whole weight. It feels both so weird and amazing at the same time knowing  a tiny person is in my belly and has made a bouncy house out of it. Overall though, despite some body aches and muscle pains, I feel great. Some people have also told me that I look great for someone who is carrying a boy. I guess, because of a few old wives tales back in the Philippines, most were expecting me to have dark lines on my neck or a swollen nose. Hopefully, this doesn't mean I'll be surprised with a baby girl when I give birth, when we're actually expecting a boy. That wouldn't be too bad (I'd love to have a girl too!) except I already bought a few boy clothes. Oh well, whatever happens, I can't wait to finally hold this little baby in my arms! <3